  title = "{fntl}: Numerical Tools for {Rcpp} and Lambda Functions",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim",
  type = "Research Report Series: Computing",
  number = {\#2024-01},
  institution = "Center for Statistical Research and Methodology,
                 U.S.~Census Bureau",
  year = 2024,
  url = "https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2024/adrm/RRC2024-01.html",

  title = "A Multinomial Analysis of Bilingual Training and Nonresponse
           Followup Contact Rates in the 2020 Decennial Census",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Renee Ellis and Mikelyn Meyers",
  type = "Study Series: Statistics",
  number = {\#2024-01},
  institution = "Center for Statistical Research and Methodology,
                 U.S.~Census Bureau",
  year = 2024,
  url = "https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2024/adrm/SSS2024-01.html",

  title = "A Comparison of Map Usability via Bivariate Ordinal Analysis",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Elizabeth Nichols",
  type = "Study Series: Statistics",
  number = {\#2023-01},
  institution = "Center for Statistical Research and Methodology,
                 U.S.~Census Bureau",
  year = 2023,
  url = "https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2023/adrm/SSS2023-01.html",

  title = "{COMPoissonReg}: Usage, the Normalizing Constant, and Other
           Computational Details",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Kimberly~F. Sellers",
  type = "Research Report Series: Computing",
  number = {\#2022-01},
  institution = "Center for Statistical Research and Methodology,
                 U.S.~Census Bureau",
  year = 2022,
  url = "https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2022/adrm/RRC2022-01.html",

  title = "Evaluation of {B}ayesian Hierarchical Models of Differentially
           Private Data Based on an Approximate Data Model",
  author = "Kyle~M. Irimata and Andrew~M. Raim and Ryan Janicki and James~A.
            Livsey and Scott~H. Holan",
  type = "Research Report Series: Statistics",
  number = {\#2022-05},
  institution = "Center for Statistical Research and Methodology,
                 U.S.~Census Bureau",
  year = 2022,
  url = "https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2022/adrm/RRS2022-05.html",

  title = "Browsing the 2010 {C}ensus {SF2} Summary File with {R}",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and James A. Livsey and Kyle M. Irimata",
  type = "Study Series: Computing",
  number = {\#2022-01},
  institution = "Center for Statistical Research and Methodology,
                 U.S.~Census Bureau",
  year = 2022,
  url = "https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2022/adrm/SSC2022-01.html"

  title = "Direct Sampling in {B}ayesian Regression Models with Additive
           Disclosure Avoidance Noise",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim",
  type = "Research Report Series: Statistics",
  number = {\#2021-01},
  institution = "Center for Statistical Research and Methodology,
                 U.S.~Census Bureau",
  year = 2021,
  url = "https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2021/adrm/RRS2021-01.html",

  booktitle = "Human Aspects of {IT} for the Aged Population. Technologies,
               Design and User Experience",
  title = "Attitudinal and Behavioral Differences Between Older and Younger
           Adults Using Mobile Devices",
  author = "Elizabeth Nichols and Erica Olmsted-Hawala and Andrew Raim and
            Lin Wang",
  year = 2020,
  publisher = "Springer Nature Switzerland AG",
  doi = "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50252-2_25"

  title = "2020 Census Research and Testing Report: The Effect of the Mail
           Delivery Date on Survey Login Rates and Helpline Call Rates",
  author = "Elizabeth Nichols and Sarah Konya amd Rachel Horwitz and
            Andrew Raim",
  type = "U.S. Census Bureau, Research and Methodology Directorate,
          Center for Behavioral Science Methods Research Report Series
          (Survey Methodology)",
  number = {\#2019-01},
  institution = "U.S.~Census Bureau",
  year = 2019,
  url = {https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/working-papers/2019/adrm/rsm2019-01.pdf},

  author = "Andrew~M. Raim",
  title = "Computational Methods in Finite Mixtures using
           Approximate Information and Regression Linked to the Mixture Mean",
  howpublished = "Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
                  University of Maryland, Baltimore County",
  year = 2014,
  preprint = {https://andrewraim.github.io/downloads/doc/araim-thesis-20140425.pdf},
  url = "http://search.proquest.com/docview/1552496226",

  title = "Selection of Predictors to Model Coverage Errors in the
           {M}aster {A}ddress {F}ile",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Marissa~N. Gargano",
  type = "Research Report Series: Statistics",
  number = {\#2015-04},
  institution = "Center for Statistical Research and Methodology,
                 U.S.~Census Bureau",
  year = 2015,
  url = "https://www.census.gov/library/working-papers/2015/adrm/rrs2015-04.html",

  title = "Modeling Overdispersion in {R}",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Nagaraj~K. Neerchal and Jorge~G. Morel",
  number = {HPCF-2015-1},
  institution = "UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County",
  year = 2015,
  webnotes = {For code and examples, see
    \href{http://github.com/andrewraim/OverdispersionModelsInR}{OverdispersionModelsInR} on Github.
  url = "https://hpcf.umbc.edu/publications",
  pdf = "http://hpcf-files.umbc.edu/research/papers/OverdispersionModelsInR.pdf",

  author = "Andrew~M. Raim",
  title = "Introduction to Distributed Computing with {pbdR} at the {UMBC}
           {H}igh {P}erformance {C}omputing {F}acility",
  number = {HPCF-2013-2},
  institution = "UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County",
  year = 2013,
  webnotes = {Files for download with this report:
  url = "https://hpcf.umbc.edu/publications",
  pdf = "http://hpcf-files.umbc.edu/research/papers/pbdRtara2013.pdf",

  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Minglei Liu and Nagaraj~K. Neerchal
            and Jorge~G. Morel",
  title = "An {A}pproximate {F}isher {S}coring {A}lgorithm for
           Finite Mixtures of Multinomials",
  year = 2012,
  institution = "UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County",
  number = "HPCF-2012-14",
  url = "https://hpcf.umbc.edu/publications",
  pdf = "http://hpcf-files.umbc.edu/research/papers/RaimLiuNeerchalMorel2012.pdf"

  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Matthias~K. Gobbert",
  title = "Parallel Performance Studies for an Elliptic Test Problem 
           on the Cluster tara",
  number = "HPCF-2010-2",
  institution = "UMBC High Performance Computing Facility,
                 University of Maryland, Baltimore County",
  year = 2010,
  url = "https://hpcf.umbc.edu/publications",
  pdf = "http://hpcf-files.umbc.edu/research/papers/RaimGobbert2010Poisson.pdf",

  title = "Comparing trial and variable association in contingency table data
           using multinomial models for clustered data",
  author = "Darcy Steeg Morris and Andrew~ M. Raim",
  booktitle = "37th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling",
  year = 2023,
  pages = "536--542",
  editor = "Elisabeth Bergherr and Andreas Groll and Andreas Mayr",
  url = "https://iwsm2023.statistik.tu-dortmund.de"

  title = "Introducing a {C}onway-{M}axwell-Multinomial Distribution for 
           Flexible Modeling of Categorical Data",
  author = "Darcy Steeg Morris and Andrew~M. Raim and Kimberly~F. Sellers",
  booktitle = "JSM Proceedings, Biometrics Section",
  year = 2018,
  pages = "716--733",
  publisher = "American Statistical Association",
  address = "Alexandria, VA",
  preprint = {https://andrewraim.github.io/downloads/doc/MorrisRaimSellersJSM2018.pdf},

  title = "A Model Selection Study for Spatio-Temporal Change of Support",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Scott~H. Holan and Jonathan~R. Bradley and
            Christopher~K. Wikle",
  booktitle = "JSM Proceedings, Government Statistics Section",
  year = 2017,
  pages = "1524--1540",
  publisher = "American Statistical Association",
  address = "Alexandria, VA",
  preprint = {https://andrewraim.github.io/downloads/doc/JSM2017-STCOS.pdf},

  title = "Informing Maintenance to the {U.S.}~{C}ensus {B}ureau's {M}aster
           {A}ddress {F}ile with Statistical Decision Theory",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim",
  booktitle = "JSM Proceedings, Government Statistics Section",
  year = 2016,
  pages = "648--659",
  publisher = "American Statistical Association",
  address = "Alexandria, VA",
  preprint = {https://andrewraim.github.io/downloads/doc/RaimJSM2016.pdf},

  title = "Predicting Coverage Error on the {M}aster {A}ddress {F}ile using
           Spatial Modeling Methods at the Block Level",
  author = "Krista Heim and Andrew~M. Raim",
  booktitle = "JSM Proceedings, Survey Research Methods Section",
  year = 2016,
  pages = "1541--1555",
  publisher = "American Statistical Association",
  address = "Alexandria, VA",
  preprint = {https://andrewraim.github.io/downloads/doc/HeimRaimJSM2016.pdf},

  title = "Bayesian Analysis of Overdispersed Binomial Data using Mixture
           Link Regression",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Marissa~N. Gargano and Nagaraj~K. Neerchal
            and Jorge~G. Morel",
  booktitle = "JSM Proceedings, Statistical Computing Section",
  year = 2015,
  pages = "2794--2808",
  publisher = "American Statistical Association",
  address = "Alexandria, VA",
  preprint = {https://andrewraim.github.io/downloads/doc/MixLinkJSM2015.pdf},

  title = "Large Cluster Approximation to the Finite Mixture Information
           Matrix with an Application to Meta-Analysis",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Nagaraj~K. Neerchal and Jorge~G. Morel",
  booktitle = "JSM Proceedings, Statistical Computing Section",
  year = 2014,
  pages = "4025--4037",
  publisher = "American Statistical Association",
  address = "Alexandria, VA",
  preprint = {https://andrewraim.github.io/downloads/doc/ApproxFIMJSM2014.pdf},

  title = "Modeling Overdispersion in Binomial Data with Regression Linked
           to a Finite Mixture Probability of Success",
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Nagaraj~K. Neerchal",
  booktitle = "JSM Proceedings, Statistical Computing Section",
  year = 2013,
  pages = "2760--2774",
  publisher = "American Statistical Association",
  address = "Alexandria, VA",
  preprint = {https://andrewraim.github.io/downloads/doc/RaimNeerchalJSM2013.pdf},

  title = "An Analysis of Categorical Injury Data using Mixtures of
  author = "Andrew~M. Raim and Brandon~E. Fleming and Nagaraj~K. Neerchal",
  booktitle = "JSM Proceedings, Statistical Computing Section",
  year = 2012,
  pages = "2444--2458",
  publisher = "American Statistical Association",
  address = "Alexandria, VA",
  preprint = {https://andrewraim.github.io/downloads/doc/RaimFlemingNeerchalJSM2012.pdf},